Σκέψεις- thoughts
Ένα από τα πλεονεκτήματα της τεχνολογίας των κινητών τηλεφώνων τα τελευταία χρόνια είναι πως ο τρόπος που φαίνονται τα μηνύματα που ανταλλάσεις με κάποιον αριθμό! Παλιά έβλεπες μεμονωμένα το κάθε μήνυμα. Αλλά τα τελευταία χρόνια τα βλέπεις σε μορφή διαλόγου. Και είναι τρομερά τα ποιοτικά δεδομένα και τα συμπεράσματα που μπορείς να βγάλεις από αυτόν τον τρόπο προβολής. Μπορεί το ένα μήνυμα με το επόμενο να έχει
τόσο μεγάλη απόσταση στο περιεχόμενο, όσο είναι Ελλάδα- Σουηδία! Ή και περισσότερο. Επειδή πιστεύω (και μαθαίνω) πως οι ανάγκες αλλάζουν με τα χρόνια, πιστεύω πως τα μεμονωμένα μηνύματα θα επανέλθουν στη μόδα. Είναι κοινωνικό το θέμα! Κι εγώ το καταγράφω. Γιατί τα γραπτά μένουν! Οι ανθρώπινες σκέψεις αλλάζουν τόσο γρήγορα, όσο γρήγορα στέλνεις ένα μήνυμα και φτάνει στον παραλήπτη! (Το φτάνει εδώ χρησιμοποιείται τυπικά γιατί κάποια μηνύματα δε φτάνουν ποτέ!!)
One of the advantages of technology development in mobile phones the last years is the interface of the short messages that we exchange with a number! In the past, you could see every sms isolated, not in a form of dialogue. But the dialogue is there the last years as an interface. And surprisingly super qualitative conclusions can be dragged from the way we see the messages these days. That is because the one message from the following can have a huge timing gap between them, a gap as big as the distance from Greece to Sweden, if I may speak figuratively! Or even more that that.
It is my firm belief, and my latest knowledge that the needs change as the time passes, and I believe that the need of seeing isolated every message will be on fashion soon. It is social! And I am just stating it. Because the written words stay alive! The thoughts of humans change so rapidly, as fast as you can send a message and it gets received (the received meaning here is used typically- some messages never "get received") .
One of the advantages of technology development in mobile phones the last years is the interface of the short messages that we exchange with a number! In the past, you could see every sms isolated, not in a form of dialogue. But the dialogue is there the last years as an interface. And surprisingly super qualitative conclusions can be dragged from the way we see the messages these days. That is because the one message from the following can have a huge timing gap between them, a gap as big as the distance from Greece to Sweden, if I may speak figuratively! Or even more that that.
It is my firm belief, and my latest knowledge that the needs change as the time passes, and I believe that the need of seeing isolated every message will be on fashion soon. It is social! And I am just stating it. Because the written words stay alive! The thoughts of humans change so rapidly, as fast as you can send a message and it gets received (the received meaning here is used typically- some messages never "get received") .
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