The part time life
Isn't it amazing? We have so many roles in our lives and we struggle to be so many different things but we forget that the most important roles are not just part time. You cannot be part time kind, part time interested, part time friend, part time parent, part time lover.
Some roles are meant to be your identity and you have to act according to the circumstances. I feel that people who are full time dedicated to whatever they have in front of them, challenge or pleasure, these are the people who are not part, but full time happy. These are the people who can see their accomplishments as a total picture and smile when looking at the distance they have walked. These are the people who have clear eyes and clear answers, because they do not think according to a part time role.
And I don't want to be a part time anything. I don't want to be a part time friend, a part time human, a part time partner. I like the whole picture and the full roles. And this is hard to accomplish or to synchronize in a society like the Swedish one, or at the age of 30 that I am now. The full roles that are available are less. And people and circumstances have space only for part time positions/roles, because they have part time roles themselves.
And if you do not agree, which is your indisputable right, I challenge you to think and answer to yourself. When was the last time that you gave your whole to something, especially a person. You undivided attention and consideration and time?
Food for thought...
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