The enablers
There is a category of people- if we can ever categorise people- that are called the enablers (by me).
These people are burnt by previous experiences, they have based too many decisions onto their own interpretations and they are extremely scared to assume what has happened. They never follow their gut feeling, even though the poor feeling is ringing bells, screaming and kicking in order for the enabler to pay the needed attention to it. But of course, the gut feeling's effort is in vain.
And at this point, I decide to speak about myself and not in general.
I have been an enabler all my life. I am sick and tired of it. I know we should not say big words but for sure, I have to declare that I am done enabling people who are too diplomatic to tell exactly what they are thinking of. I am extremely tired of being the mean person and doing all the radical moves so that every little story can stop or can start. I am frustrated and I cannot keep mollycoddling people who refuse to take the responsibility of their thoughts, lie to themselves and to others and do not understand what is happening it the surroundings.
I have learnt precious lessons the last few months. Honestly, the biggest lesson came this weekend. When I had to do something out of myself, even though I was blamed that this was exactly who I am. I did the cheap thing to a cheap person so that I can make sure that alexithymic people can for the first time express their thoughts, their wishes and their feelings freely. Shooting on site. I took this on me. The responsibility is enormous and I cannot carry it on my shoulders. Not because I am afraid of responsibility, no. But because the amount of responsibility I carry should be carried by three people and not just one.
Enablers. The best followers of the cowards. The best followers of the liars. The best followers of the irresponsible people with messed truth transaction systems.
This was the last time I was one of them.
I proudly say that it is over.
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