"Man up"


Hello there, a British movie, a love story about people over 30! Yes! For the first time. Ok, I am exaggerating, but you know what I mean. A messed-up 34-year-old woman, after a hideous party and a disastrous blind date at that, heads home to her parents for their 40-year anniversary party. So, on her way there, in the train, she speaks with her sister on the phone, and the girl sitting opposite to her, a much younger one, tells her that she should read a book, the one that she is holding. And she accidentally, or not, left the book at the train. While our star, Jessica, tried to run to her and give her book back, she finds herself under a clock in the train station and a man approaches and declares that he is her blind date. He is 40, divorced and he looks as desperate as she does. But he thinks his date is a 24-year-old triathlete.

Anyway, they have fun, they get drunk, but in the end the truth comes to the surface and he learns that she is not who he thinks he is. Well, I will not say more.

Watch it, it is not a comedy, it is not a drama, it is just a love story for geriatrics. :)


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