
This is how movies should be watched. With good company, even if this good company lives in a different country, miles away...

And this is how I watched it. With a great person. And I was lucky the person was great, because I cannot say the same about the movie. Not totally uninteresting if you ask me, but something was not complete in what the movie wanted to show. Or at least, I did not see what I was supposed to see.

Lesbian lovers, different times. The one married, not happily if you ask me, and not her first "lesbian experience". A kid in the middle, and that is what brings the problem to our couple. Since the father of the child is not very happy with his wife choices and preferences, the kid becomes a way to push his wife into breaking up with her new, young lover.

Anyway. I would not say that it is not a good movie, I am not sure I would nominate 6 Oscars to it, but ... you know me! I am hard with movies, easy with people that suggest them! :)

Watch it, of course!



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