My trip to Hamburg
Yes!! I finally visited my friends in Hamburg. What a lovely city!!! :) So beautiful, so different and so similar at the same time. After one and a half year abroad, I have proudly visited many cities and different countries that I would not imagine visiting before.
But, seriously think. Can Candy visit a city without having some ridiculous experience? Never. I would not be authentic if everything went great!!!
The morning of my arrival, my good friend N. came and received me with a great piece of paper which had a funny message on it. And then we decided to walk around. The weather was great. People were outside walking in a Christmas mood. After a long refreshing walk (and some visits to tourist attractions (and some selfies)), we wanted to have a take-away coffee and some breakfast. And we did. We went to sit next to the water, to have the perfect view and to be close to the TEMPLE (the first Apple store that I have seen in my life). But, there was a small detail that we did not take into account. Where there is water and food, there are seagulls. And if you recall, Candy is afraid of birds. However, I stood there, gallantly, while my friend N. fed the birds and tried to make them go. But more and more birds came. Horror movie... I could not move. I was frozen. But after a while I found the courage to move away. And we sat to a different spot. Where we accidentally threw the coffees before having the chance to drink a sip.
Yes, I know. I am unlike when it comes to birds. But there is always something positive to balance the bad luck. And for me this morning, the most positive thing that happened was that I visited my first temple. By temple, of course, I mean the first Apple Store. Oh, God exists and it's an apple. A beautiful, bitten apple. Is there a name for someone that falls in love with objects? Because that is my condition. I confess. On my apple. :)
We also watched a parade, where people sang Christmas songs and danced and a car- part of the parade- broke down and the security guards had to push it. That was hilarious. Sorry dear security guards, nothing personal. Just a thought, maybe by being there, I brought disaster. So basically, I laughed at myself.
All in all, it was a great trip. I had a great time with friends and we laughed so much! I enjoyed the city, the Christmas spirit and I would say that being to Hamburg is a valuable experience for my newly born trip book! (I wasn't that keen on traveling before, as you might already know).
Thank you my friends for the invitation, thank you Hamburg for being beautiful, thank you people of Hamburg that you do not speak English to tourists and thank you Apple store.
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