
I cannot still describe my smile, because, my friends, this movie was an assignment for school. Yes, I am that lucky! So, I had to watch a movie and describe and understand some tactics that people follow when hierarchical organisations exist, or when you are a female scientist.

Anyway, the movie is a bit old, but it was still entertaining and I would dare to describe it as positive in the general spirit. A woman, scientist, after years and years of researching and trying to find proof of alien existence is finally getting an alien radio signal and can further research where this signal came from.

Of course, she is a well-known and recognised for her knowledge woman, but not widely appreciated for her research project. People laugh at her, financial resources are denied and she had difficulties in her way, but, then, she manages to persuade the people that need to be persuaded, and all the credits go to her supervisor.

I do not want to give you more details, you should watch this. :)
I liked it. And Jodie Foster rocks. If I could be a hollywood scientist, I would like to be her.



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