Spend your resources wisely
I have noticed that the last few days I feel exhausted. I cannot explain why, because I try to eat fruit regularly, I also drink my vitamins (C and more) and of course I take care of my iron deficiency. <Yes, I am problematic and I do not have a return policy>. Additionally, the light is great, the days are long and I manage to sleep the proper amount of hours every night.
So why do I feel so tired?
I figured out that it is not my body that hurts, the exhaustion comes from inside. It is a familiar exhaustion. Not the one that I love, like the turbine exhaust case, see aircrafts. It is the psychological exhaustion that comes out as physical. And then I have to think again, why do I feel like that? What tires my up and uses all my energy?
And the answer is always the same (yeah, yeah, I never learn, shame on me, bla bla bla):
I spend too much time with the wrong projects. And the wrong people. And the wrong thoughts. About the wrong people. I consume too much energy on finished business. On finished cases. On things I cannot control. This eats me up from inside out. Soon I will need two friends to move me around.
Do not spend too much time with the wrong projects. And if your brain is stuck to the wrong projects, be brave and kill your own ideas, your own babies. If that is not possible, stop hanging out with yourself to avoid the thoughts and the energy consuming topics.
Just a friendly piece of advice. Spend your resources wisely.
Do not spend too much time with the wrong projects. And if your brain is stuck to the wrong projects, be brave and kill your own ideas, your own babies. If that is not possible, stop hanging out with yourself to avoid the thoughts and the energy consuming topics.
Just a friendly piece of advice. Spend your resources wisely.
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