"Catch and Release"

You must understand, if you do not have the knowledge or experience of it, that when in China, you have no access to Facebook, google, Instagram, youtube and other sites, which means that when you are in a hotel alone, then you watch a lot of movies you have downloaded prior to your visit. That might explain why I am going to tell you that I watched this movie in China as well. :) 

So, 2006, a movie with Jennifer Garner, I like this girl, I could be her friend. 

I know it belongs to the light, romantic movies that are not usually widely accepted. I will say I enjoyed it and my time passed by in a pleasant way. 

No spoilers included, our star, Gray, is preparing for her wedding, and her fiancé dies before the ceremony. From my understanding, when they were on their bachelor with some friends, he had an accident. She tries to cope with the loss, she spends time with his friends, who were her friends as well, plus one good friend of his that she does not seem to appreciate as a person very much. 

As in real life, people have secrets. Even people that we think we know well, even people we are about to get married with. So Gray has a long distance to cover. Not only must she deal with the loss, but also with the secrets of her fiancé that were revealed after he passed away. 

Simultaneously, the friend group deals with the loss in different ways, and then you see how death can affect the friends and not only the family. 
Now comes the spoiler. 
She falls in love with the person she did not appreciate much, because she gets to know him and understand that he is not who she thought he was. And they live happily ever after apparently, after she has rejected the love of the other member of the group, also friend of her dead fiancé, who was in love with her from the very first moment he met her, but out of respect for his friend he never expressed his feelings. However, after his friend's secret became known, he realised that his friend was not a better man than himself and he regretted not telling anything, that is why he expressed his feelings after all. :) Yeap, not going to happen, girls go for the bad boys! :P I am joking. 

And that was the movie. The struggle of acceptance of the death and the secrets and the choices that the people made given all those new and old facts. 

I liked it. It was ok. Watch it if you like. You don't have to be in China! :) 


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