Why are people diplomatic? Why do they act like that? Is it always helping when it comes to misinterpretation and clearly sent messages?
No, it is one thing to be diplomatic and to control your urges. There is always a nicer way to explain things to people. But beware. There is a trap. Being diplomatic does not mean lying. Does it?
Let's see...
According to Oxford English Dictionary, diplomatic is the one that is having or showing the ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way.
Swedish people might be considered as diplomatic. But! If you ask me, it is just the ability to avoid dealing with people, confrontation, truth and unpleasant discussions.
Am I mean now that I am generalising. Perhaps. My apologies to the mass that does not follow the above-mentioned norm. For those that fit exactly into the description, though, I pity you. I feel bad. I feel sad and want to hug you. Because that means that you are half human. Emotions exist so they can be expressed. The body has cavities to get the information in and out. That is the purpose of the ears. To hear. And that is the purpose of the mouth. To speak. If you do not use these fundamental functions and you keep everything inside, the overload will occur. Plus, I am not sure you will be able to continue to listen when the inside is full.
Of course, we have the other favourite definition of diplomacy. Diplomacy according to Deni Marcora is to say how cute the dog is while lifting up the stone to scare it away. [We are against animal abuse].
Diplomacy can bring the other problem that I am utterly afraid of. Interpreting the behaviour however you like. drawing your own conclusion. You always understand things with your own brain constructs and those seldom match the common ones... There are no common ones, I lied.
Anyway. Please, be diplomatic when it comes to work-related issues, not personal ones. Be straightforward in your personal life and diplomatic and tactful with your business.
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