"Ex machina"


That movie was recommended by an A.I. "lover".  And I watched it. Not like you people!!! (I know you ignore my recommendations! :P )

Anyway, Sci-Fi about artificial intelligence, a topic that might not be that of a science fiction anymore, but we can't be sure for now. A super rich creator of a successful searching machine has invited an employee from his company to spend some time to a house that is far far away, at a very scary if you ask me place, surrounded by nature. But the house is what I call my perfect home, full of technology and hi-tech systems.

And the point of the invitation is to test something... Someone... Something... I don't know anyway. A.I. has been created and needs to be tested. And things happen...
Can machines think or feel? Or are they just adapting to the environment and the circumstances? Do they use us or do we use them? Questions raised in the movie.

I just want to say that if you prison something, there is a high chance that it will not be friendly and kind towards you afterwards.

Watch it. The star is the oscar winner, our favourite Gothenburg girl, Alicia Vikander. 


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