Tribute to a rock girl

I have a friend, she is the coolest girl on this planet. She is funny, clever, entertaining, giving, available for her friends, the one that gives the best sincere advice ever...

She is also a big heart and a kind soul. And she made me realised today that people can be giving in so many different ways. She is kind enough to sacrifice the one wish she has and exchange it with something equally important for her. Friendship. She is a perfect friend to all of her friends...

I cannot explain more. I just have to say I am so proud to know her and to consider her as friend.
And to promise her that since she is taking care of others, she will be taken care of...
I have already started using my wishes for her sake. And she deserves it! 100%!

Finally, I want to invite her officially to share her knowledge, thoughts and her incredible mind through my blog with all of you!!! :) It will be so exciting for me if people actually start reading my blog, even if the reason is my friend!

Love you! Support you!!! And you are always in my thoughts.

You know!!! :)



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